Monday, August 09, 2010

Getting Organized!

Now for those who know can stop laughing any time now!  In our Creative Divas forum, Luisa has started an organization group.  I had to join...I am in great need of it!  She is even organized in what she wants us to accomplish in there, with lists and dates and all that stuff I lack!  So I wanted to share our homework for the weekend...yes, I completed it!
   The challenge was to organize one item, using something re purpose from around your house.  I love to use household things in my crop the hunt was on.  And I found it.  A glass jug that I bought at an antique shop when Diane & I went to Swedish Day in Geneva.  I bought it thinking I would fill it full of buttons, freeing up an entire drawer in my cart.  But, I like having the buttons sorted out, by color and much easier to just reach in and grab the certain pack I want.  So the jug was just cute, on the floor of the living room (not in the middle, but at the edge of a planter. 
  So I gathered up all the ribbon in my room, quite a feat by itself!  And then sorted it - open spools on the right - new, unopened spools on the left.  The new ones went into the jug..added some ribbon on the handle and I had instant cutesy!
I took the remaining, open ribbon and worked at filling up my ribbon carrier, you know, the ones that were so popular a couple of years back.  Lot of people didn't like them, but I love mine. 
 I carry it to crops and retreats, so I never have to whine about not having ribbon! 
I counter or shelf space is precious in your space, here is another idea that I have used for almost 10 years..
wire hangers.
You read that right.  Snip one of  the ends open (I had Steve do it with the wire snips.  I probably could've done it myself, but on occasion they need to feel needed! Look marriage tips are bonus here!) Curl the end of the upper piece in a semi-circle, and TA DAA!! You have a ribbon holder that will hang in your closetIt works so well for me.  I just have too many spools and not enough closet space!
So, I want to give you a challenge...organize your ribbon.  Do you have a system that works well for you?  Send me a photo and a description of it, and I'll feature them on the blog. 
until tomorrow, I'm Dreamin of an organized space! 

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